Svenja Tiegel CZT EU # 4
A b s c h a l t e n - D u r c h a t m e n - E n t s p a n n e n
mit der Zentangle®-Methode
Was ist Zentangle ?
"Die Zentangle®-Methode ist ein leicht zu lernender, entspannender und kurzweiliger Weg, um schöne Bilder durch das zeichnen dekonstruierter Muster zu kreieren."
Bei Zentangle® geht es um den Weg, nicht um das Ergebnis. Die Methode ist in 8 einfache Basisschritte unterteilt, die immer wieder wiederholt werden können. Der Weg startet und endet jeweils mit Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung.
Das Zeichnen mit der Zentangle®-Methode ist ungeplant und frei von Erwartungen. Zu Beginn kennt man das Ergebnis nicht und jeder erhält bei gleicher Anleitung ein individuelles Ergebnis, das nicht mit den anderen vergleichbar ist.
Zentangle® sind dekonstruierte Muster, die aus den folgenden 5 Formen bestehen.
Jedes Muster, tangle genannt, entsteht durch eine bestimmte Abfolge von einem oder mehreren der Grundformen.
Die 5 Grundformen ermöglichen es jedem die Methode zu erlernen und schönes zu erschaffen.
Gezeichnet wird mit Bleistift und Fineliner, auf ein quadratisches 8,9 cm großes Stück Papier (ähnlich einem Bierdeckel). Es gibt in der Zentangle®- Methode keine Fehler und daher auch keinen Radiergummi. Ein unerwartetes Ereignis was man „Fehler“ nennen könnte eröffnet einem eine neue Möglichkeit und lässt ganz wundervolle Muster entstehen.
Sie folgt einer bestimmten Reihenfolge und kann so, einmal gelernt immer wieder genutzt werden. Die kleinen Kacheln ermöglichen es einem nahezu überall in kurzer Zeit eine entspannte Auszeit einzulegen.
Zentangle® hat viele positive Eigenschaften
Entspannung und Stressabbau
Steigerung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit
Hilfe bei Ängsten und depressiven Verstimmungen
ist einfach zu erlernen
kann überall praktiziert werden
Keinerlei Vorkenntnisse oder Talent nötig
Achtsamkeit wird geschult
Zentangle® ist für jeden, man braucht keine besonderen Fähigkeiten oder Kenntnisse. Es gibt kein Richtig und kein Falsch.
Zentangle® eignet sich zum Entschleunigen, um eine kleine Auszeit vom hektischen Alltag zu nehmen. Während des tangelns ist man ganz im hier und jetzt, getreu dem Zentangle®-Motto „Ein Strich nach dem anderen“.
Studien belegen die positiven Effekte von Zentangle®
A b s c h a l t e n - D u r c h a t m e n - E n t s p a n n e n
Erschaffen wurde Zentangle® von Rick Roberts und Maria Thomas aus Amerika.

My name is Svenja and I'm Tanglefant's "mom".
In 2017 I suffered from my 2nd depression and my friend suggested that we get a dog. Dogs influence us positively in so many ways that the decision was soon made. From the time when our mixed breed dog Caro moved in with us, I was out and about in our place every day. On one of my walks, a coincidence brought me past a showcase in which the city displayed all sorts of information and event tips. I saw a slip of paper that said that a Zentangle® course would take place in the local library, next to it a very nice little drawing. It was a long time before I wanted to dedicate myself more to my creativity, "and Zen can't be wrong with depression," I thought. So I didn't hesitate and signed up.
On May 4th, 2017 I attended my first Zentangle® course with Jennifer Hohensteiner CZT and was immediately very impressed by this technology and what is behind the method.
Unfortunately, in the following years I did not have enough time and drive to deal with it more intensively. At the end of 2019, I met Zentangle® again on social media and I remembered my course. I went straight to looking for further courses, but I couldn't really find anything for myself. Then the thought occurred to me "what if I give courses myself?". So it came about that I registered for training as a certified Zentangle® teacher (certified Zentangle® teacher CZT) for April 2020.
Unfortunately, the year 2020 had a worldwide pandemic in store for us, which led to the training seminar being postponed to October 2020. During the pandemic, the Zentangle® community began to grow strongly on social media. I got so much inspiration from my private Instagram account that I quickly got myself an account only for Zentangle®. There was a flood of online seminars, video tutorials and so on.
In October 2020 the seminar in Frankfurt / M. take place with the help of a sophisticated hygiene concept, but without me. The unhappy year of the pandemic was the happy year my daughter was born in for me.
Since the pandemic kept us in check longer than previously thought, the next seminar was announced at the beginning of 2021 as an online seminar in March 2021. That was my chance, so I could take part in the seminar and still take care of my little daughter as far as possible. Thanks to the great support of my friend, I was able to hold my certificate in my hands on March 21, 2021, at least virtually.

My name is Svenja and I'm Tanglefant's "mom".
In 2017 I suffered from my 2nd depression and my friend suggested that we get a dog. Dogs influence us positively in so many ways that the decision was soon made. From the time when our mixed breed dog Caro moved in with us, I was out and about in our place every day. On one of my walks, a coincidence brought me past a showcase in which the city displayed all sorts of information and event tips. I saw a slip of paper that said that a Zentangle® course would take place in the local library, next to it a very nice little drawing. It was a long time before I wanted to dedicate myself more to my creativity, "and Zen can't be wrong with depression," I thought. So I didn't hesitate and signed up.
On May 4th, 2017 I attended my first Zentangle® course with Jennifer Hohensteiner CZT and was immediately very impressed by this technology and what is behind the method.
Unfortunately, in the following years I did not have enough time and drive to deal with it more intensively. At the end of 2019, I met Zentangle® again on social media and I remembered my course. I went straight to looking for further courses, but I couldn't really find anything for myself. Then the thought occurred to me "what if I give courses myself?". So it came about that I registered for training as a certified Zentangle® teacher (certified Zentangle® teacher CZT) for April 2020.
Unfortunately, the year 2020 had a worldwide pandemic in store for us, which led to the training seminar being postponed to October 2020. During the pandemic, the Zentangle® community began to grow strongly on social media. I got so much inspiration from my private Instagram account that I quickly got myself an account only for Zentangle®. There was a flood of online seminars, video tutorials and so on.
In October 2020 the seminar in Frankfurt / M. take place with the help of a sophisticated hygiene concept, but without me. The unhappy year of the pandemic was the happy year my daughter was born in for me.
Since the pandemic kept us in check longer than previously thought, the next seminar was announced at the beginning of 2021 as an online seminar in March 2021. That was my chance, so I could take part in the seminar and still take care of my little daughter as far as possible. Thanks to the great support of my friend, I was able to hold my certificate in my hands on March 21, 2021, at least virtually.
Hello, my name is Svenja!